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I was born into a hard working upper middle class family that offered me every possible privilege, love and money one could reasonably desire. I had a strong work ethic, attended Ivy league stature universities and graduated with a Juris Doctor. I founded a well respected law firm and practiced law for over thirty years.


I made an excellent living, traveled extensively and lived the dream. Always wanting more, I often found myself in business relationships with clients who generally became my friends. As friends, I would also introduce them to each other and create financial marriages in which I would participate. All fine and all legal, until I assisted in the creation of a transaction amongst clients, based on trust, that was not well founded or researched. After all those years practicing law, I was right in the middle of a fraud. I delayed, tried to fixed it and ended up causing more damage. I became complicit in a crime.


The result was my being arrested as part of a criminal grand larceny and being sentenced  to prison for Three to Nine years, notwithstanding my co-operation and private civil settlements.


I was overwhelmed. In a scary new world, with new rules and procedures. Law school never trained me for this. I was alone and needed to survive.


Blessed by a strong mental base and understanding of people, I carefully observed, questioned, studied and learned. I immersed myself in Executive and Administrative Law governing prisons, sentencing guidelines, programs, procedures and options.


I took control over my destiny and successfully converted the Three to Nine year sentence to Two years (calculated back to the month of initial arrest) in a low security dormitory prison platform, six months in temporary work release and then early merit parole release. That is right, only two years (from arrest) in prison behind a fence. A tremendous difference from the overwhelming Three to Nine years of my sentence.


This was a daunting task. So many experiences and so many applications along this journey. This new world showed me pain, punishment, prejudice, kindness and hope. In between my self help efforts, I authored a soon to be published book of my perceptions, life and new found awareness. There were times that the manuscript seemed like my only friend. “THE SAD OPTIMIST: A PRISON JOURNEY OF PAIN, SURVIVAL AND HOPE”


Thankfully, I had the professional background, strength and determination to learn the system and what was necessary to be done. So many times, I wanted to confer with an expert that had been in my shoes. None were to be found. My lawyer, notwithstanding the best of intentions and desire, had no understanding or real knowledge. I had to pave my own road. It was successful.


I and the staff at PRISONER RESCUE want to help you. To make sure that you are not alone, that you have the best possible answer to your questions and that you take advantage of every possible option in development of a strategic plan toward your earliest possible release from prison.

Philip Teplen has knowledge and experience to help those in prison


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